FC Alliance Knoxville


summer Camp series


June 9-13  Elite Camp 1:

Challenging environment with top players and coaches. Junior and Senior divisions.

June 9-13  World Cup Camp:

Fun camp for all ability levels. Focus on skills and games.

June 16-20 Player Development Camp:

Focus on fundamentals for beginner & intermediate players.

June 16-20 Striker Camp 1:

Striking, shooting, finishing, and scoring for all ability levels. Learn how to score goals!

June 23-27 865 Alliance Camp:

Train all week with 865 Alliance coaches and players. Fun and challenging! All ability levels.

July 14-18 Elite Camp 2:

Challenging environment with top players and coaches. Junior and Senior divisions.

July 14-18 Striker Camp 2:

Striking, shooting, finishing, and scoring for all ability levels. Learn how to score goals!


June 2-6 ESL Camp 1:

Learn the basics and have fun! All ability levels.

July 14-18 ESL Camp 2:

Learn the basics and have fun! All ability levels.

U8-U19 Camps cost $150 each and run Monday-Friday from 9AM-12PM daily at Alliance Park.

U6-U8 Camps cost $95 each and run Monday-Friday from 9AM-10:30AM daily at Alliance Park.



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